Marriage, Divorce, and Wellness

I recently read an interesting article on claiming that divorce is bad for your health.  The article is based on the results of a study published in the Journal of Health and Social Behavior which found that divorced and widowed adults have 20% more chronic health conditions than married people.

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Protecting Yourself From Danger: How to Get an Order of Protection

by Elizabeth Feldman

If you are a victim of domestic violence, you may need an Order of Protection (OOP).  An OOP may be issued before, during or after a divorce.  You must believe, and convince the Court, that there is a threat of violence, danger or harm to you from your spouse, significant other (or a few other enumerated relationships).

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How Long Does It Take to Finalize a Divorce and Why?

By Sandra Burt

The statutory waiting period for a divorce in Arizona is sixty days, so when I tell clients that they should actually plan on a year to resolve their case the response is often confusion.  Why does it take so long to finalize a divorce?

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Uh Oh, I Didn’t Expect That: How Medical Surprises Affect Us—Part 2: Health Insurance

by Sandy Bregman

As I was saying in my last blog, all the debates about healthcare and insurance coverage for everyone these days remind me of some frightening issues I’ve faced concerning health and care and coverage.

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Uh-Oh, I Didn’t Expect That: How Medical Surprises Affect Us—Part 1: Health Care

by Sandy Bregman

With all the debates about the President’s goal for universal healthcare coverage and the different opinions as to how we can accomplish that— or even if we should — I’m reminded of some very frightening issues I’ve faced regarding my own health care over the years.  Some of my experiences have been in American hospitals, and some have been in foreign hospitals.  Here is my story.

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You And Your Lawyer

by Sandy Bregman

Many years ago, before I was a lawyer, I was going through a divorce after fifteen years of marriage.  I had a four year old daughter and had just been diagnosed with a medical condition that could have been disabling.  I did not have the work skills to support myself and my daughter.  I was scared and vulnerable.

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